Tuesday, 21 October 2008

Essex Railway Jobs

Have you ever looked out into one of the many empty but picturesque fields that sprawl across the county that is Essex? Flying through the Constablian scenery on your way to an urgent business appointment, have you ever pondered the rich heritage that Essex oozes? This article examines the history of Essex jobs and specific sites of employment which are embedded in the culture of Essex.

Essex jobs have always been abundant and not just because of its close proximity to the capital. It has been a place of industry and agriculture, none more prevalent than the bay and say trade otherwise known as the wool industry. Bay and Say was the name given to a certain type of wool woven by Flemish settlers from the beginning of the fourteenth century.

The original settlers came over from Bruges to Harwich and then settled around Braintree, Halstead and Dedham. Edward III encouraged this practice increasing Essex jobs, as the Flemings brought with them their art of weaving which the monarch encouraged them to teach throughout the county. The chief influx of Flemmings came around 1570 in the middle of the reign of Elizabeth I.

The clothing towns were Colchester, Braintree, Coggeshall, Bocking, Halstead, and Dedham, employing some 60, 000 families were employed in Essex jobs as spinners, weavers and combers. This industry flourished until the latter part of the eighteenth century as it is thought that the nationalisation of gunpowder, shipbuilding and increasing colonial ambitions saw it loose precedence.

Gunpowder was produced in Essex as early as 1560 in Waltham Abbey and became a major industry. After the government acquired the works in 1787 production increased considerably. By 1900 it had created 1200 Essex jobs and produced a large amount of the national requirements for Gunpowder. Around this period there was a development which would change the face of Essex and the entire country forever.

This was of course the introduction of the railway system. This meant that agricultural goods such as milk and garden produce could transported more effectively to the lucrative markets of London. This did also create problems for certain specific Essex jobs such as the production of salt via sea water evaporation and the manufacturing of cheese and hops, as it opened East Anglia up for produce from other parts of the country.

Essex was famous throughout the world for the production of crepe and silk. Various monarchs obtained their garments and ceremonial robes from different towns in Essex including Braintree, Bocking, Halstead, and Earls Colne. 2000 Essex jobs were created by this industry and the crepe in Braintree was known throughout the world.

Places closer to London such as Walthamstow created Essex jobs in industry sectors such as copper-rolling and from 1807 to 1845 the British Copper Company had the main works there leading to the naming of one of the roads as Coppermill Lane. Shipbuilding on the Thames was another lucrative industry that gradually declined however Essex jobs were created in other areas such as steel works.

Essex jobs have always been diverse in nature from cottage industry to nationalised manufacturing and some areas of Essex have gained worldwide acclaim in the areas of expertise. With the current economic climate one has to ask the question if Essex jobs will be so abundant in the next century

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